Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Corona Squad by Ofra Peled BOOK REVIEW


I received "The Corona Squad"by Orfa Peled to review on my blog!

This book provides a kid-friendly illustrations about King Virus and his Corona Squad.

King Virus and his squad (Sars&Mars) are in a war against the humans of planet Earth. The virus was spreaded throughout the world from bats.

Lili's friend Thomas comes over to her house to look at the stars through her telescope. She was so frightened to see a bat. King Virus confronts her at the window. He introduces himself and his squad. And he speaks about how careless and selfless human beings can be. 

This kids book does a great job giving a fun explanation about the current pandemic to children all ages.

I love how the book directs you to the link to the "7 WH stars" song. Very catchy song to help kids to know their ABC's.
This is a very well-written kids book with a fun and educational story about the Coronavirus!

Very entertaining book. Definitely, a must buy!

I highly recommend this book!

If you are interested in this book, check out the link below:


Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers

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