Monday, December 7, 2020

Night Magic Visit to Granny Love by Lea Ben Shlomo BOOK REVIEW

Noway and José, the two boy-dolls, become Yonatan’s favorite toys.

His room is teeming with toys Uncle Meir’keh brings him every time he comes to visit, but whenever new ones arrive, Yonatan forgets to play with Noway and José.

At night, while Yonatan is sleeping, an entire bubbling world of dolls and other toys awakens to life.

Secrets about Granny Love, the night magician, sneak into their conversations. With her magic fingers, she repairs and restores old toys so children can go back to playing with them as though they had just been bought that day.

Noway and José wish with all their hearts they could also be repaired and restored.

With the help of the magic mirror they get to Granny Love’s home only to learn the hard way that one should be careful with magic words, because wishes may come true but not quite in the way we imagined.

Despite obstacles and mishaps, Noway and José won’t give up their dream and will find a way to get their hearts’ desire.


I received "Night Magic Visit to Granny Love" by Lea Ben Shlomo to review on my blog!

Night Magic Visit to Granny Love is another amazing kids book by Lea Ben Shlomo.This is the second book in the Night Magic series. 

Noway and Jose are two toy dolls own by Yonatan. His room is filled with toys that his Uncle gives him. He is so focused on the new toys that he doesn't pay much attention to his favorite toys. (Jose & Noway)

The dolls come alive at night,when Yonatan is sleeping. Granny Love is a night magician that repairs the toys at night with her magical fingers.

Jose and Noway want to be repaired and restored by Granny Love. So,they start a journey to get to Granny Love's home.

Very well-written story that is amazingly illustrated.

It is a perfect book to teach your children very important life lessons.

I highly recommend it!

If you are interested in this book,check out the link below:

Disclaimer: I received one 
or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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