Sunday, October 17, 2021

Happily Ever After by Michal Libedinsky & Shai Avivi BOOK REVIEW

In children’s fairytales, love is magic. In real life, love is magic you have to work hard for.

Every romantic relationship begins with the spark of falling in love, magnetizes two hearts of a prince and a princess, and then moves on to the Big Bang of routine and children, followed by a long, cold winter: the hearts close off, the sexuality shuts down, and the love freezes. The exhausted prince and princess morph into a dragon and a witch, and the relationship becomes an arena of battle and pain.

If they can make it through the struggles along their path – get through the boggy marsh of arguments, accept the long silences, the boredom, the suffocation, and the burning need to escape – if they make it through fire and ice without breaking up, they will discover the final stage of their evolution: the phase of the king and queen.

The king and queen know everything about each other, acknowledge their weaknesses and strengths, the beautiful and the ugly, the good and the bad in themselves and in their partner, and choose to focus on the good. Their relationship contains the initial infatuation together with the struggles of the journey and creates depth and development. This is ripe, mature, fulfilling love.


I received "Happily Ever After" by Michal Libedinsky & Shai Aviv to review on my blog!

This book is a very well written and interesting. It is packed with wise advice that will help improve your life and relationships. It gives great examples of what a healthy relationship is. It is an excellent guide to place your life in perspective.

I highly recommend it!

If you are interested in this book,check out the link below:

Disclaimer : I received one or more of the products or services pmentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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