Thursday, October 28, 2021

Secrets of Childbirth by Tsippy Monat BOOK REVIEW

How does the ancient traditional knowledge of femininity, pregnancy, and birth fit into the modern contemporary world?

No matter where – in a small village in the mountains, a large coastal city, or a remote tribe – birth is the center of humanity, and without it we have no future.

Secrets Of Childbirth describes a ten-year anthropological journey to the farthest corners of the earth and offers the modern Western world ancient and traditional knowledge concerning femininity, pregnancy, and birth.

Tsippy Monat, an anthropologist and experienced doula, has sat by old and seasoned midwives in Madagascar, India, the Native American tribes in South Dakota, Alaska, the Tafilah region in Jordan, and many other places in the world, to imbibe their wisdom firsthand. 


I received "Secrets of Childbirth" by Tsippy Monat to review on my blog!

This is quite an interesting book about childbirth. It explains different midwifes of various cultures. The different techniques and rituals for caring for pregnant women and the process of childbirth.

Very interesting book to read!

I highly recommend it!

If you are interested in this book, check out the link below:

Disclaimer : I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

A Birthday in Auschwitz Bikenau by Eli Reismann BOOK REVIEW

The unforgettable story of Eli Reismann, who arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau on his 15th birthday and against all odds, survived living hell on his own.

May 1944, Poland. Just a few short days before his 15th birthday, Eli Reismann is sent with his entire family to Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp.

The carriage doors open with a deafening sound. SS soldiers stand on the platform, vicious German shepherds at their sides. Both are barking. The dogs bark as dogs do, and the SS soldiers bark orders – “Out, out, leave your luggage and belongings on the carriage and get in rows of three! Women on one side, men on the other side, elderly, children, and mothers with their babies separately.”

Eli’s life was never the same after that day. He lost all of his loved ones at the camp and managed to survive the horrors of the death march on his own merit, despite his poor physical condition and severe abuse by SS soldiers.


I received "A Birthday in Auschwitz Bikenau" by Eli Reismann to review on my blog!

"A Birthday in Auschwitz-Birkenau" is an inspiring true story of Eli Reismann. He survived the Holocaust, while facing many challenges. He was sent to Auschwitz on his 15th birthday. Eli lost all of his family members at the camp.

Eventually, he immigrated to Israel where he raised his own family and became a very successful film producer.

I found this to be a very sad story. I have read many Holocaust stories in the past and this one is extremely tragic.

I highly recommend it!

If you are interested in this book, check out the link below:

Disclaimer : I received one or more of the products or services pmentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Lost Treasure Genesis Days by Eyal Cohen BOOK REVIEW

The biblical story as it has never been told before.

The Bible is the best-selling book in human history, but sometimes the stories it weaves are not fully understood, due to its poetic and obscure literary style.

Genesis Days brings you the stories of the first generations, from the creation of the world to the end of the days of Sarah, wife of Abraham, in simple and straightforward English.

The book lays bare the lives of humanity’s forefathers and reveals ancient history through a contemporary experience.


I received "The Lost Treasures Genesis Days by Eyal Cohen to review on my blog!

This is a great book to help you understand the Bible. Some people would consider the Bible to be hard to translate. It retells and explains parts of the Bible in a less complex way.

 A very straightforward book to better understand the different stories.

I highly recommend it!

If you are interested in this book,check out the link below:

Disclaimer : I received one or more of the products or services pmentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Happily Ever After by Michal Libedinsky & Shai Avivi BOOK REVIEW

In children’s fairytales, love is magic. In real life, love is magic you have to work hard for.

Every romantic relationship begins with the spark of falling in love, magnetizes two hearts of a prince and a princess, and then moves on to the Big Bang of routine and children, followed by a long, cold winter: the hearts close off, the sexuality shuts down, and the love freezes. The exhausted prince and princess morph into a dragon and a witch, and the relationship becomes an arena of battle and pain.

If they can make it through the struggles along their path – get through the boggy marsh of arguments, accept the long silences, the boredom, the suffocation, and the burning need to escape – if they make it through fire and ice without breaking up, they will discover the final stage of their evolution: the phase of the king and queen.

The king and queen know everything about each other, acknowledge their weaknesses and strengths, the beautiful and the ugly, the good and the bad in themselves and in their partner, and choose to focus on the good. Their relationship contains the initial infatuation together with the struggles of the journey and creates depth and development. This is ripe, mature, fulfilling love.


I received "Happily Ever After" by Michal Libedinsky & Shai Aviv to review on my blog!

This book is a very well written and interesting. It is packed with wise advice that will help improve your life and relationships. It gives great examples of what a healthy relationship is. It is an excellent guide to place your life in perspective.

I highly recommend it!

If you are interested in this book,check out the link below:

Disclaimer : I received one or more of the products or services pmentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

How We Beat Breast Cancer by Lilit Netivor BOOK REVIEW

32 inspiring stories of brave women and men who won the battle against breast cancer

These heartwarming and inspiring stories by brave women and men who have survived breast cancer are a must-read for anyone personally or indirectly afflicted by the disease.

How We Beat Breast Cancer brings together the experiences, thoughts, struggles, and victories of unique women and men from all walks of life, who tell the stories of their battles with breast cancer. Their narratives portray both the good and the bad in a real, candid language, sharing everything from diagnosis, through treatment, to life with and after cancer.


I received "How We Beat Cancer" by Lilit Netivor to review on my blog!

This book is a collection of inspirational told my 32 brave men and women. They tell their stories about how the fought a mighty battle against cancer and how they were triumph in the end. They speak of their treatments and finding out about their diagnosis for the first time.

A book filled with struggles and experiences with this horrible disease. 

I highly recommend this book!

If you are interested, check out the link below:

Disclaimer : I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Finance and Investing for the Long Run by Kendrick Fernandez BOOK REVIEW

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

This quote, from Benjamin Franklin, has held true over the centuries. Every book you read, every expert you talk to, every piece of financial knowledge that you learn has compounded returns. Because you can use that knowledge over time. You can use it multiple times over your lifetime, and thus compounded the use of knowledge.

When it comes to financial knowledge, it helps you compound your money over time. This book will be a significant source of knowledge in your financial journey. It teaches you about the importance of financial planning and how to customize to your individual and family goals.

Learn how you can use the principle of compounding in your regular investments to multiply your returns. 

Budgeting, increasing income and lowering debt are a struggle for many because they haven't developed the right mindset, and most people have basically given up. They don't realize that implementing certain strategies will ensure that they approach their finances with the right frame of mind. And this will help them achieve their goals.

Portfolio allocation and cash management are strategies that have divided financial experts over the years. This book goes through different allocation options and looks to customize it to your particular needs.


I received "Finance and Investing for the Long Run" by Kendrick Fernandez to review on my blog!

This book will give you tons of information about your investments. It helps you learn about the importance of financial planning and how to change it to your personal goals.

There are many different examples of how to budget your money from experts. I found this book to be very helpful with the many different strategies to save money.

I highly recommend it!

If you are interested in this book, check out the link:

Disclaimer : I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Teach Me Your Rules by Llana Cohen BOOK REVIEW

This book is the real story of an adventure brought to you from the reality of cold, harsh new Siberia and the smoldering land of Israel. Its pages intertwine into a gripping love story, Adventures and romance, who can resist?

Edith falls for a man from the other side of the world. The impulse and passion he has brought to her world will turn her life upside down.

Alex, a charismatic and brilliant scientist of Russian origin, immediately dazzles Edith with his wealth, achievements and style.

Edith just can’t resist her overwhelmingly powerful attraction to Alex . . . and she is terribly hurt when he disappears after their first romantic date. But then, a month later, he is at her door, sexy and handsome. She cannot resist temptation and leads him directly to her bed, no questions asked.

In love and enchanted, Edith is convinced that their relationship is one of destiny, but Alex is unwilling to accept inexplicable coincidences that threaten his freedom. He views this love as a passing adventure, to last only until he falls in love with the next woman. Will Alex seek to defy Edith’s destiny?


I received "Teach Me Your Rules" by Llana Cohen to review on my blog!

This is an interesting love story about a lady named Edith that falls in love with a man from far away. Her love interest Alex is a Russian scientist. He is a very wealthy and successful man.

Edith is head over heels in love with this man. She finds him incredibly irresistible. She becomes extremely upset, when he disappears after their first date. He comes back after a month and she still finds him irresistible and sexy. This encounter leads them to her bedroom.

Alex is scared of commitment. He is afraid that his freedom will be stripped away if the relationship becomes to serious.

This book is worth a read. 

I highly recommend this book for fans of romance.

If you are interested in this book,check out the link below:

Disclaimer : I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

The Magnificient Essence of Madness by Amnon Dvir BOOK REVIEW

An unforgettable novel about life in between fear and reality on one hand, and hope and imagination on the other hand, in a closed ward.

Chaim is admitted to a closed psychiatric ward following a psychotic attack band finds himself torn between two desires; the desire to find cover in the ward and protect himself from the threatening deterioration of his life and consciousness, and the desire to win back his freedom and return to his demanding life outside the ward.

But as time goes by, he realizes that his once rich and free soul is tormented, trapped behind bars it cannot break through.

Between reality and fantasy, past and present, hope and despair, The Magnificent Essence of Madness is a gripping look into the mysterious world of the mentally impaired and the never-ending yearning to return to normal life.


I received "The Magnificent Existence of Madness" by Amnon Dvir to review on my blog!

"The Magnificent Existence of Madness" is an intriguing story about a man struggling with losing his mind and self. He is admitted into a mental ward after a psychotic attack. 

This book makes you feel like you are in the mental ward with Chaim. He desires to have his freedom back and return to a normal life.

It is a book that is worth reading.

If you are interested in this book, check out the link below:

Disclaimer : I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Table for One, Please by Rinat Gur BOOK REVIEW

A table for one is not always fun... the romantic adventures of a young divorcee with a toddler in the big city.

Shira Reches’s life is not going according to plan. When her marriage falls apart, she is forced to pack up her life and move out. And at age 35, with a demanding career and a needy toddler – she must find her place in the world again.

But the road is far from easy. Failed blind dates, an affair with a married man that doesn’t lead anywhere, and a miserable attempt to win back her ex, teach her that before she can be part of a couple again, she must first learn how to be alone.

Life takes her through all the motions. From the overwhelming euphoria of the first weeks following the separation, when it feels like the whole world is at her feet, through the inevitable headlong crash into reality. She knows she deserves better, a new love, someone to come home to. But will she allow herself to be vulnerable and open her heart anew?

Hello, readers!

I received "Table for One,Please" by Renat Gur to review on my blog!

"Table for One,Please" by Rinat Gur is a beautifully written story about a young divorced woman with a toddler in the big city.

Her life isn't going as planned. She must try to find her place in the world again.

She tries many failed attempts at dating again. She realizes how hard to find love again. She even makes a failed attempt to get with her ex again. She will have to learn to love herself, before finding a deserving man to be in a relationship with in the future.

It is a lovely romance story filled with twists and turns. 

I highly recommend it!

If you are interested in this book,check out the link below:

Disclaimer : I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.