Sunday, September 19, 2021

Solo Players by Meir Geuz BOOK REVIEW

Mystery is the secret behind the power of Solo, a highly covert organization of assassins, whose most senior members don’t even know who they work for.

Solo chooses its missions carefully and carries them out under the cover of innocent events or accidents. The only condition: the assassination must serve the good of the Jewish people.

Mikey is tasked with the simple mission of guarding a famous actress, but finds himself right in the middle of an international affair when a British minister is found dead.

As secrets from the past begin to surface and good friends are revealed as enemies, Solo’s hit list continues to lengthen. How is Mikey connected to these strange events? And should he be concerned about his own fate?


I received "Solo Player" by Meir Geuz to review on my blog!

"Solo Players" by Meir Geuz is an intriguing storyline filled with suspense.

I greatly enjoyed the story and dialogue between each character.

It was an extraordinary story to read. The author was able to make the organization Solo  sound interesting.

Definitely, worth a read!

If you are interested in this book,check out the link below:

Disclaimer : I received one or s of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

The Rabbi’s Wife, The Bishop’s Wife by David Jacobson Chayuta Deutsch BOOK REVIEW

The moving story of Joana Halevi – one brave woman who was willing to give up the most precious things in her life to maintain her faith.
Spain, 1391. Joana, wife of Shlomo Halevi, the Rabbi of Burgos, mother of five, and daughter of a wealthy and respectable family, is living a comfortable, carefree life. Until her world is shattered without warning one summer day.
While her husband Shlomo, now Pablo de Santamaria, joins the Catholic church and takes their family with him, Joana struggles with the unrelenting yearning for her children. Will her soul find relief? Will her children return to her side?
Jerusalem, 2020. Ruth is struggling with personal conflicts when the Covid-19 pandemic shakes her world, adding loneliness and isolation to her struggle. With her new online friend, she embarks on a voyage that will set Joana Halevi’s memory free from oblivion.


I received "The Rabbi’s Wife, the Bishop’s Wife" by David Jacobson Chayuta Deutsch to review on my blog!

"The Rabbi’s Wife, The Bishop’s Wife" is an inspiring
story filled with drama and historical facts.

Joana Helvi is a woman that willing to give up everything for her faith. This story takes place in 1391. She is the mother of five kids. She is married to the Rabbi of Burgos. She is also from a very wealthy and respected family.

Her family joins the Catholic church. She is left behind and hope they will return to her.

Based on the true story of Joana Halevi, The Rabbi’s Wife, the Bishop’s Wife addresses human behavior and condition: true and false alliances, betrayal and loyalty, destruction and redemption.

I highly recommend this book!

If you are interested in this book,check out the link below:

Disclaimer : I received one or s of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Remembering 9/11 as a Sikh

How life would change for so many of us. 20 years ago, we couldn't believe what we were seeing. We’ll never forget those who died, the many injured and the countless left to endure the loss of loved ones. It's imperative to take a second of your day to pay respects.

As a Sikh and others in and out of my community, 9/11 is also a day that would change our lives forever. With the news being broken of the planes being hijacked by "Terrorists" who apparently "looked like me" - (their words not mine) the hate crimes began.

Balbir Singh Sodhi, a successful American gas station owner got murdered in the aftermath of 9/11. The first of several cases as supposed acts of retaliation. The same goes for so many of our Muslim brothers and sisters who endured much harassment and still.

From personal experience, touring and exhibiting has not always been the nicest experience. An interesting observation wearing a chunni has certain public in open conversation with me, but wearing my chunni had more drama. Staring, moving away on public transport, being called "Terrorist" to name a few of many incidents.

Sikhs are often misidentified as Terrorists or Muslims by citizens who know nothing or little about religion and faith. And before its said, NO! it does not make it right targeting, or throwing another's faith on the line. It takes an open mind and will to learn and celebrate our differences.

But as always, my community knows how to rise above any challenge, it comes naturally and instilled in our blood from the time of our Gurus. It's why we're known to be warriors and serve humanity first.

As a Sikh who has seen and experienced the aftermath of 9/11, today is not only about remembering each and every individual who lost their life meaninglessly on the WTC attack. Its also a reminder and a pledge to carry the name high, of those in and out of my community who lost their lives being murdered, attacked and STILL getting discriminated on for "looking like them" - (again, their words not mine)…


Monday, September 6, 2021

A Child Without A Shadow by Professor Shaul Harel BOOK REVIEW

 The moving story of Professor Shaul Harel’s life from darkness to light, from Holocaust survivor to world expert in pediatric neurology and child development.

This is the story of Prof. Shaul Harel, formerly Charlie Hilsberg, who lost his shadow in 1942 at only five years old, when he was separated from his family and surroundings and saved from the furnaces of Auschwitz by the Belgian resistance.

This book reveals his story, from his time as a “hidden child” in France and Belgium during the Holocaust, through his experiences in orphanages, his immigration to Israel, the serious injury he sustained in his military service, the choice to study medicine, and lastly the mark he has made in the field of pediatric neurology and child development in Israel and in the world.

A story of overcoming impossible trauma and reaching professional and personal success against all odds. The book channels a universal message of survival, optimism, and hope.


I received "A Child Without A Shadow" by Shaul Harel to review on my blog!

This book is a memoir of a Holocaust survivor named Shaul Harel. It tells how he was separated from his family at the young age of 5 years old. Also, how he was able to avoid the furnaces of Auschwitz. And how he later became the world expert in pediatric neurology and child development.

This story is very inspirational and empowering. A very well-written captivating and intriguing book to add to any book collection.

I highly recommend it!

If you are interested, check out the link below:

Disclaimer : I received one or s of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Remembering a Hero.

Remembering a Hero, a great Human rights activist and searcher of missing sons of Punjab - Shaheed Sardar Jaswant Singh Khalra who sacrificed his life searching cremation grounds, canals, drains and bridges of Punjab to gather evidences of fake encounters of innocent Sikh youth being committed by butcher government. His crime - He had become voice of the Dead, because he was exposing the arbitrary police killings, disappearances of more then 25000 thousands of Sikh youth in the state of Punjab.


Productivity Hacks by George Pain BOOK REVIEW

Are you procrastinating all the time and unable to get work done? Or are you working a lot but not able to get the results you want? This book is the answer to your problems. Many people are very busy, but they still find that they are not getting much done. This is because of their mistaken focus on activity rather than productivity; and performance rather than results. When this becomes persistent, frustrations start cropping in. This book is about productivity – the ‘miracle’ that make one person’s two hours of work worth more than another person’s full day’s work. It is a miracle if you do not learn. However, if you learn the simple habits of highly effective people, put them into your routine and practice them religiously, you will start living rather than believing the miracle. The book starts by providing you with information about bad habits that make people less productive. It is only by knowing and understanding this disease (bad habits), its causes, and its symptoms that we can have appropriate cure. In this book, you will learn how to counter bad habits that could be making you less productive and unhappier. Nothing succeeds without a plan. In this book, you will learn simple plans that you can make to achieve your productivity goals. Planning and setting goals are important to organizing your life, harnessing the power within you, optimizing your productivity and enjoying a balanced stress-free life. Get this book to learn more about how to optimize your productivity.


I received "Productivity Hacks" by George Pain to review on my blog!

This book gives you great productivity hacks that is useful for procrastinators. It provides useful habits that are highly effective. You can easily place these into your daily routine.

I found the portion of the book about bad habits to be quite interesting. Bad habits usually make us less productive. Best to plan and set goals that are important to organize your life. A great way to enjoy a stress life.

I highly recommend this book!

If you are interested in this book,check out the link below:

Disclaimer : I received one or s of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.