Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Following the Footsteps of the Lost Tribes by Yossi Soika BOOK REVIEW

They didn't believe it was possible…

But the ring proved otherwise.

Dan, an American student, visits in Israel together with his new girlfriend, Melanie.

It doesn’t take long and Melanie, who was skeptical about the stories Dan told her regarding his ring, is exposed to its magical powers.

Following the remarkable 


Hello, readers!

I was contacted to review Following the Footsteps of the Lost Tribes by Yossi Soika on my blog.

I somewhat enjoyed reading this book.The book is filled with fantasy and illusion. The words and dialogue are so descriptive that I felt like I was on the journey with Dan and Melanie. Who doesn't love magic? There were certain dialogue that I felt was a little bit on the corny side. I was often wondering to myself,"who talks like this nowadays?" It was quite an interesting book,yet I felt it maybe a little too much.

It's definitely worth a read if you are interested in fantasy fiction books.

If you are interested in this book,check out the link below:

Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. 

1 comment:

  1. The book was set in the 1960s so the language would seem a little corny to a modern ear. Also it was translated from the Author's native Hebrew by an academic translator. Just things to bear in mind.
